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Saturday, 22 October 2022

Somerset and All the Maughams - Robin Maugham

 An interesting and unusual concept - half an account of the Maugham brothers' ancestors, half Robin's memories of his famous uncle with a particular focus on the dislike between Willie and Robin's father, Frederic Maugham, who before this I had not realised was Lord Chancellor of the UK.

Robin brings it all off entertainingly.  Like Willie, he was gay and enjoyed literary success.  Unlike Willie he was unashamedly gay and brave (he was severely wounded in action in WW2).  Not knowing anything of Frederic Maugham before this, I was unaware that any Maugham had become a peer of the realm.  Robin was thus the second and last Viscount Maugham.

The men in the book are all eccentric.  It is the women who shine, in particular Somerset Maugham's wife Syrie Wellcome, nee Barnardo (yes, the daughter of Thomas Barnardo).  Sadly their daughter Liza makes no appearance, even though (perhaps because) Robin claims her as a close friend.

A great pleasure to read.  Essential for anyone interested in the private Somerset Maugham.

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